MORISAKI WIN Dazzles in First International Concert at Anime Central!
/As the lights started shining bright, the crowd was buzzing with excitement in anticipation for MORISAKI WIN’’s first International concert held at Anime Central. The stage was all set, waiting for MORISAKI WIN to arrive and greet his fans and convention goers. The announcer came out, the crowd was getting even more pumped awaiting his arrival on stage. I was one of the many fans eagerly anticipating MORISAKI WIN’s entrance onto the colorful stage after discovering his music recently. MORISAKI WIN is not just a talented singer, but an actor and an all around entertainer, who is most known for his role as “Daito” in Stephen Spielberg’s Ready Player One and for several songs in featured in the popular series Avatro Sentai Donbrothers to name a few.
Photo credits by columbia jp
From the first moment the first track, “Orekoso Only One” beamed through the speakers, the crowd went crazy, Super Sentai fans singing along with MORISAKI WIN. The energy he brought to the stage right as he stepped on it, dazzled fans and new comers alike. MORISAKI WIN’s set list was displayed in stages as he performed a mix of original tracks including his most popular, covers of anime and famous Japanese songs. As soon as “Zankoku na Tenshi Teze” starting playing, every single person sang with MORISAKI WIN, showing him so much love and he followed it up by “Day1”, the theme song for Reborn to Master the Blade anime.
MORISAKI WIN broke up his set list into, sections while mixing in his original tracks with those segments. One of my favorite segments was the ‘City Pop’ one as its been on the uprising in the last several years. One of the stand out tracks that he sang a cover of in this segment was “Mayonaka no Door/stay with me” by Matsubara Miki. His version was beautifully sang, bringing the full swing of emotion. What amazed me, was how many in the crowd knew this song and sang with him.
One of the most iconic moments of the concert is when MORISAKI WIN started singing the Anpan man theme song and asked if anyone knew it. When several fans raised their hands, he choose one of those fans and brought them on stage to sing with him together. This made me smile so much as you could see the joy on MORISAKI WIN’s face being able to sing together with a fan. The chosen fan seemed a bit shy but you could see in their eyes, that they had fun singing with him together. Its not often you see a musician include the fans in their performances. I loved that he did this and made an impression on fans and those who were just experiencing his music for the first time.
MORISAKI WIN brought the energy throughout his concert, he radiated with bombastic energy, a genuine smile and entertained the crowd thoroughly. He also knew how to capture the audiences’ emotions with a touching ballad. When he slowed things down with his track “Love won’t die”, you could feel his emotions coming through to the venue full of con-goers and fans alike. “Love won’t die” is a beautiful ballad and he captured every moment of this track that it brought myself to tears. I could hear others singing along with him and feeling the emotions run through their bodies. Personally, this was my favorite song of the evening.
MORISAKI WIN included more of his original songs such as “Fly with me”, “Parade”, and “Wonderland”, all which were amazing to see live. Fans and first time listeners of MORISAKI WIN’s were mesmerized by his charisma, vocals, and also his interaction with the crowd. MORISAKI WIN’s band was phenomenal, how he introduced each one of them and had a you could see the bond he has with each one of them. After his last track, all went quiet for a a few mnutes, many of us awaiting and hoping for an encore with the crowd yelling “one more song”. When he came back out, the crowd went wild with excitement! The encore song was obviously a favorite among the crowd, it was “Orekoso Only One” from Avataro Sentai Donbrothers. Everyone started singing and dancing along with him, relishing in every moment with him. It was an unforgettable encore with the amount of energy from MORISAKI WIN and the crowd together.
MORISAKI WIN did more than just dazzle at Anime Central, he owned the stage with his charisma, his energy, his humor, and his love for his fans. There were so many wonderful memorable moments, from MORISAKI WIN’s jokes with the crowd (he has a great sense of humor), his positivity and energy is infectious, his interaction with the crowd and fans, his dance moves were reminiscent of Michael Jackson, and his vocals were absolutely perfect capturing each emotion. To say I was mesmerized by his performance is an understatement, he absolutely captured me completely and I will be looking forward to his future endeavors hoping it leads him back to America for another wonderful show.