the GazettE to Hold MASS Online Event for International Fans!
/MASS Jacket Cover
We are very happy to announce that the GazettE will hold a special event for international fans who have purchased new album MASS on CD from our friends at JPU Records! Each copy purchased of JPU Records' edition of the album, which includes English lyric translations and romaji transliterations, will receive a unique code. This code, along with codes from the Japanese editions, can be used by fans outside of Japan to enter a lottery for a limited "Sign session & Talk show" online event.
The codes can be registered via a special website between 1 July – 3 July 2021, Japan Standard Time. Lucky winners will then be able to partake in the event on 24 July 2021.
All participants will receive an original smartphone wallpaper, and winners can choose to take part in an online signing opportunity, where autographs will be sent digitally, or an online talk event.
Residents of Japan who try to enter this event will have their codes cancelled. Such fans should instead enter a different online event, applicable between 19 June – 20 June 2021.
Be sure order MASS in the link below!