YOJI BIOMEHANIKA’s 1st & 2nd Albums that Fascinated the World with His Hard Dance will be Available on Digital Format.
YOJI BIOMEHAINKA is Japan’s world-class maestro who has been active since the early 90s, the dawn of the Japanese dance music scene, delivering world-class anthems to the world. YOJI BIOMEHAINKA will perform at the "Planetlove 2022" festival in Belfast, Northern Ireland, on September 10th. More than 30 years have passed since he started his career, but he continues actively making the world his stage. On August 10th, two of his albums started streaming: YOJI's first original album, "TECHNICOLOR NRG SHOW," which was released in 2001, and his second album, "TALES FROM THE BIG ROOM," which was released in 2004.
“TECHNICOLOR NRG SHOW" includes "LOOK@THE HEAVEN," a big anthem representing YOJI's career. It also includes "SEDUCTION" and "GO MAD!” which are popular in Japan and other countries. In particular, "LOOK@THE HEAVEN" was such a big hit at the time. Every time it was played in clubs across Japan, the young people filling the floor would scream in excitement, and it remains one of the best-loved pieces of domestic dance music. This album includes the version that was played at Holland’s famous Dance Valley 2001 festival, LOOK@THE HEAVEN (THE REMIX DEDICATED TO IMPULZ × DANCE VALLEY), and this was also a version that was played by the most number of DJs.
“TALES FROM THE BIG ROOM" also includes "HARDSTYLE DISCO," "SAMURAI (THE KEYBOARD COWBOYS)," and "NEVER END," which were famous hard dance classics in the 2000s that attracted music lovers of all ages and generations, both in Japan and abroad. The album contains precious music with melodies that never fade away.
These two milestone albums by YOJI BIOMEHANIKA have been digitally reissued RIGHT NOW, when dance music from the 90s to the 2000s is being appreciated again, with the next generation actively playing and expressing their respect for it. We hope you will listen to them regardless of your generation.
In addition, "DING A LING (2022 REWORKED MIX)," the latest track, is scheduled to be released on August 19th. Evolution continues and be to check out the release of “TALES FROM THE BIG ROOM” here!